I am used to have my Lilacs blooming around Easter in Oregon, I often use cut branches for my decorative egg tree, it is a German tradition. I put the blooming branches in a Vase and hang my blown out, decorated eggs and other little Easter ornaments on them. This year the Lilacs did not bloom at Easter they are really late this year because of the cool Spring weather we have had so far.
So I couldn't find anything to hang my eggs on to, the Forsythia was almost finished blooming and did not look to good anymore. Even my typical Spring bloomers like the Cowslip Primula just started to bloom right before Easter. There were no Tulips yet, hardly any Daffodils. I have to admit, I had to buy Spring Flowers for my Easter table this year.
But then, all of a sudden the weather turned warm, actually almost too warm and made all my Spring flowers come out, all at once it seemed. So instead having my Spring flowers trickle in over the course of Spring, I am having a burst of Spring flowers. Unfortunately that means they will be also gone as fast as they came.
So I better share my Spring blooming garden now, before it is all gone. Would you like to visit my garden?
Early April blooms
Bosnian Hellboro
Hellboro orientalis
Hellboro Hybrid Picotee Group
Erytronium tuolumnense
Muscari armeniacum
Fritillaria meleagris
Anemone nemerosa 'Stammer Berg'
Camellia japonica 'unknown cultivar'
Primula Gold Lace Group
Euphorbia myrsinites
Pieris jap. 'Crispa'
Pieris jap. 'Bonsai'
Pulmonaria Hybrid 'Margery Fish'
Spiraea thunbergii
Osmanthus burkwoodii
Ribes sanguineum 'Hanneman's White'
Hyazinthus 'maybe Pink Pearl'
Mid April Blooms
Epimedium warleyense
Epimedium Alpinum
Primula Granny Graham
Primula veris 'Sunset Shades'
Primula verticillata
Primula denticulata
Phlox subdulata 'two unknown Cultivars'
Magnolia 'unknown cultivar'
Viola odorata 'unknown cultivar'
Fritillaria uva
Berberis darwinii
Late April Blooms
Anemone apenniana 'Alba'
Anemone blanda 'Blue Star'
Trillium luteum
Primula siebodii 'Pink Blush'
Rhododendron 'unknown cultivar'
Dicentra spectabilis
Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'
Tulip clusiana
Tulip Tarda
There are also a few other varieties of Tulips blooming right now, only one or two of each are left. I lost almost all of my Tulips this winter to some nasty Voles, which took up residence in my rock wall. They must have munched all winter, there were enough Tulip bulbs for them to not go hungry all winter. Unfortunately I will have to rebuild my stock up again. I was looking forward to a nice display this spring, after I spent all my plant money a year ago on some cool Heirloom bulbs from
Old House Gardens and John Scheepers
Oh well, at least somebody liked them. Next time I will plant them in wire cages to keep them save from critters.