Friday, April 2, 2010

Which plant is that?

Last spring I went out in my garden, just to check if there is something blooming already. It was still a bit early for most of my plants but as I walked around I noticed the interesting early growth of some of the plants. There was a certain beauty in the way the plants, after a long winter push through the dirt like they are fighting their way out. So I went inside, got my camera and took pictures of these plants and budding trees in  my garden.

I wonder if you can tell what plants these are.

 1) what plant is that? Hints: it flowers early in the spring. The flowers remind me of little hearts. It comes in red and white varieties. Your grandma probably grew it in her garden.

2) This plants comes in many colors of pink to red, yellow to orange and white. It blooms in May, comes
from Japan but there are also varieties native to European lands. You mainly find in the the Northern Hemisphere. The European varieties bloom much earlier, around mid March. One of them is called 'Schlüsselblume' in Germany, where you can find it blooming wild in open Forest land and is the most common variety you find in Gardens. It bloom yellow and it's flower head has many little flowers hanging like little bells from a straight single stalk.

 3) This one comes in many different shapes and colors. It loves to hybridize all by itself so if you have a few different kind, with time you will find new plants in your garden. There are varieties of this growing almost all over the world. in the Northern hemisphere. There are quite a few native species to the US, mostly red and yellow and blue and white/pinkish. They belong to the Buttercup family. The flowers are bell shaped , spurred and pendulous.

Can you identify these plants? Leave me a comment if you wish.


Dirty Girl Gardening said...

Looks like a primrose and a columbine... ?

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