Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pardon me! I am gardening

Some probably are wondering, where is this gartenfrau? What is she doing, why no posts for such a long time?
Is she ever going to come back to share with us?

Well the answer is.....yes I will be back, just very limited until the main season is over. It is just that we are having some major projects at our place this year, and if you include making the new garden area, taking care of the existing garden, vegetable garden, taking care of the harvest and .........I just can't find much time for blogging right now.
Also, what kind of gardener would I be, if the blogging would take preference before the gardening.
My priority after all is working my garden, and blogging will never take me away from my garden.

Blogging can wait, but my garden won't.

So pardon me, while I am gardening

here are pictures from my new garden area started last year and how it looks today

 This picture was taken September 2010, when I just got started on the sitting area

This is how it looks today. Isn't it amazing how fast everything grows in a year?

Happy gardening, everyone!


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